My Favorite Swimsuit Brands

My Favorite Swimsuit Brands

As I start packing up for summer travel I thought I’d share a few of my favorite brands/products that I’m bringing with me.

First up - swimsuits! Very few of us jump at the chance to wear swimsuits but without them summer fun would be limited. I am a huge fan of the body positivity messaging that is taking over Instagram and the constant meme “how to have a swimsuit body…have a body…wear a swimsuit” is a personal motto.


So here are a few of the brands I wear and love.

Left on Friday - I recently purchased one of their two pieces and I’m obsessed. You can easily mix and match colors and their website has a section of user uploaded pics of people wearing the suits by size, height, jean size, etc.

J. Crew - I’ve had one of their suits for at least 8 years and it’s still in amazing condition. They have tons of styles and several of their suits have long torso options.

Summersault - I bought my first summersault suit after having a baby to pull in the midsection and it’s become a staple. I have two of their suits (they also come in long torso) ajd I always feel comfortable and cute in them. The compression and thickness of the suit make it great if you’re looking to smooth out my areas.

Andie Swim - Another brand I’ve purchased multiple suits from. They have a few different styles and they update the colors every season. Their suits come in rubbed and flat and I personally love the ribbed style.

Target - Can’t go wrong with a Target suit! They have tons of different of different styles, colors, etc and the price point is always amazing.

Happy swimming!

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