Mindful Mama Dealing with Back to School Season

Mindful Mama Dealing with Back to School Season

Elaine Dizon is a life and mindset coach, writer, mother of 2, a recognized AT&T Business Cultural Champion, and a 2021 recipient of the AT&T Spark Award – the company’s highest honor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work bridging Tolerance to Understanding.  She supports, empowers, and celebrates women who are looking to move beyond uncertainty and grief towards a life filled with intention, meaning, and joy. 

Every back-to-school season, there is a passage of time.  Another chapter begins for a busy grown up while their children move into a new grade.  Children who outgrow last year’s clothes in a matter of months.  Children whose feet need new shoes because summer flip flops aren’t allowed anymore.  Tastebuds evolve and what was enough food isn’t enough sustenance for longer school days that may transition into after school activities demanding more than a snack bar and a bottle of water.  Worry sets in and the questions abound.


  • What school supplies do they need for their grade?

  • Do they have the right Chromebook or laptop?

  • Will they like their new teachers?

  • What happens if they find themselves on the buddy bench?

  • How will they do in their first year without each other…since one will be attending junior high for the first time?

  • How am I going to handle pick up and drop off?

  • Should I get their hair cut two now or later?

  • How often do they want to bring lunch to school or have school lunch?

  • Does my kid need their own phone in the sixth grade?

  • Do they feel safe?


So many things to think about and if we don’t address the chatter, then we won’t be able to move on with our day with ease.  What can you do to create some space so you can enjoy ushering in the new school year?  How about a little A-B-C.


A – Acknowledge the changes.  Talk about them with your children and have a conversation about the new school year and put a voice to what you are observing.  Congratulate them on their excitement, address their concerns, and most of all – take in what you are experiencing gently.


B – Be Willing to say YES to the uncertainty and allow it to remind you about what is important.  Move with that energy towards actions that support you in your loving and conscious parent journey.


C – Connect with them as often as you can during this back-to-school transition.  It’s easy to fall into the grind and hustle of life.  When we do, we don’t always take in the moment in a way that resonates in our heart.  For the next 21 days, take a few moments at the end of the day and ask them: 

  1. What was your favorite part of the day today?  

  2. What was your most frustrating part of the day?  

  3. What are you looking forward to doing tomorrow?


A-B-C as easy as 1-2-3.


Wishing you a great first day of school!

Your Coach Mom,



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