How to Stay Sane While Social Distancing

How to Stay Sane While Social Distancing


After 12 days (or is it 14? 15? I honestly have no idea anymore) mostly inside I’ve learned a few things that are helping me stay sane. Please add your tips below in the comment section!

How I’m Staying (Mostly) Sane:

  1. Get moving - Go for a walk, stream some Pilates classes, do some push ups and lunges. Anything to get your body moving because as Elle Woods from “Legally Blonde” says “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy”. So far I’ve taken a Pilates class with my favorite Pilates instructor (linking her Insta here in case you’re interested), walked dozens of miles on our treadmill and gone on many, many nature walks between rain showers.

  2. Take some alone time - I know it’s a big struggle right now to find time for ourselves with kids at home, different schedules and balancing a million other things, but if you can, take some time for yourself! Now that I’m home all day, every day with the kiddo and mostly not able to work I need a break or else the day starts to feel endless. I’m definitely lucky that my husband is also at home and although he is working, I’m able to tap out for a bit here and there. If that’s not possible, try some self care instead. Do a face mask while your kid is in the bath, do your nails together or cuddle up on the couch and try to relax for a bit.

  3. Get dressed - You know that meme going around about changing out of your day time pajamas and putting on your nighttime pajamas? Yeah, that was definitely me. Now I’ve graduated to leisure wear and it makes me feel so much better. I even threw on a touch of makeup a few times and felt like a new person.

  4. Make a schedule - The days can feel long and the uncertainty of when this will end can feel overwhelming. Make some type of schedule to plan your days or weeks so each day feels a little less monotonous. That being said, you do not have to become a Pinterest Mom that schedules educational activities and special theme days if that doesn’t work for you. I found a lot of the online schedules too intense for me personally and instead I adhere to a very general schedule so I have some idea of where the day is going to take me and I can accomplish what I need to on the work front.

  5. Connect with your friends and family! I’m taking this time to catch up with friends I’ve been meaning to call and people I want to stay in touch with. We’ve done FaceTime almost everyday and it’s a really fun way to get some human interaction outside of your house and feel semi-normal again.

  6. Acknowledge how you feel but try not to focus on the negative - The world is crazy and stressful right now. Work is uncertain, school is closed and there’s no clear idea of when ife will be “normal” again. I easily get down reading the news or seeing people not practicing social distancing, but there’s not much I can do about it. Instead, I’m trying to focus on what I’m doing every day, enjoy the time with my family and remember that we’re lucky to be healthy and safe.

Happy social distancing to you all!

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