I'm a Homeschooler, Ask Me Anything

I'm a Homeschooler, Ask Me Anything

Today we are so excited to announce our newest contributor, Victoria Ann Meyers. Victoria is a native Angelino and self-employed artist based in the South Bay. She's also an extremely introverted single mom homeschooling two of the most absurdly extroverted kids ever born. She will be here talking all things homeschooling the first Friday of every month and she welcomes any/all questions!


Hi, I’m Victoria, I’m new here. Ok I’m not really new to writing things on the internet but I’m new to doing that here for MiLowe Kids, specifically. Introducing myself into a new group of strangers makes me really uncomfortable and I never know what to say or it it’s going to be too weird of if I’m going to leave out something important so… please be nice to me.

Here are some basic facts about me that may or may not be relevant:

  • I was born and raised in the LA area (South Bay to be specific), and all except about 1.5 of my 30 years have happened here.

  • I’m extremely introverted and it takes a to to open up but once I do.. prepare yourself for SOME OVERSHARING because NO I WILL NOT STOP.

  • I’m a newly single mom and make my money selling handmade jewelry on Instagram and teaching sewing lessons.

  • I’m exactly one Gerard Way from having breakfast in each of my personal heros’ homes (I know this one isn’t relevant at all I’m just putting it out into the universe)

  • I homeschool my two kids, 8 year old Alice (second grade), and 4 year old Benedict (preschool) and they are WEIRD AS HELL. I mean that in the most loving way possible because I’m their mom and I love them but they give me at least 47 SRSLY WTF GUYS moments a day.

Actually that last one is precisely how/why I ended up here: my absurdly extroverted children just ran off at a craft fair (I swear I’ve taught them about safety), started chatting up some strange adults and miraculously instead of getting kidnapped, I am now here introducing myself as the newest author in the MiLowe Kids community, here to share everything you ever wanted to know (and probably some things you didn’t!) about homeschooling, like how contrary to popular belief, homeschooled kids tend to be way more confident in social situations and extremely comfortable interacting with people outside of their age groups!

I have a lot (like, literally, actually a lot) of homeschooling and homeschooling-adjacent content planned for the next few months, but before I get too far into writing about me, me, me, I want to take a minute to open up the comments, on this or any of my future posts, as kind of a homeschooling AMA.

I’m not kidding, go ahead and ask me any and all of your burning questions about homeschooling, or being an adult who was homeschooled (this is probably a good time to mention I’m a second-generation homeschooler), I’m a totally open book about both of those things. No, no question is too big or too small and there is NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION. Asking questions is how we learn and GUYS it is hard to step out of homeschooling mom mode for even just a minute. And if you don’t feel comfortable doing so in public like this feel free to DM me on instagram or send an email to contact@victoriaannmeyers.com. This is how not kidding I am (just putting this out there because we’re gonna be friends, I’m, pretty much never kidding)

We’ve homeschooled since the beginning and in just our three “official” years we have done so.many.different.things. And you know what when I was homeschooled (4th-10th grade before testing out and going to community college at 15, YES HOMESCHOOLERS CAN GO TO COLLEGE!), my mom did a TON of different things, and my three siblings also had extremely varied homeschooling experiences. It is 1000% natural to have questions and I. AM. HERE. TO. ANSWER. THEM. TO. THE. BEST. OF. MY. ABILITIES.

I just wanted to end this by saying thank you for spending this time with me, I look forward to getting to know each other and hope that you’ll find my posts here to be encouraging and informational (or at least entertaining), and thank you SO much to MiLowe Kids for bringing me on and giving my trove of oddly-specific knowledge a place to be productive.

P.S. if you’re curious about what life is like for a single, self-employed, homeschooling mom of high-maintenance kids feel free to give me a follow on IG (but yes, it is 100% as exhausting as it sounds).

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