Moms on the Move - Courtney Jolivette

Moms on the Move - Courtney Jolivette

Today we have Courtney Jolivette on The Mag. Courtney is a doula and owner of Earth Mama Naturals, a natural holistic online store. Read more about her below!

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 Tell us your story! We’d love to hear a little bit about yourself and your businesses.

Name Earth Mama Naturals but I’m referred to by my name Courtney Jolivette.

I’m a Holistic Herbalist, WOC activist, and Birth Doula .

I’m an advocate for Birth rights especially for WOC.

How many kids do you have, what ages?

I’m a mother of four (3 boys and 1 girl) that I raise plant based and holistic. Their ages range from 12 to 2. 

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What are your top 3 tips for new parents?

My top three tips are:

  1. Respect children they deserve the kindness you demand as well.

  2. Always remember you once couldn’t communicate effectively and reacted out of emotions they’re doing the same.

  3. Apologize to your children when you’re wrong!

How do you network as a parent and a business person?

That’s never an easy task and I’ll never say it is lol. I’ve had to really discipline myself to stay in schedule and also reassure myself that I’m not always going to get everything done and everything right! I’m growing along side my children as a person and I’m grateful for all their lessons. 

Where do you go for inspiration on the web and in real life?

I read a lot of books, but I also find it very pleasing to see other Black Mothers defying the odds and doing things that society either says we don’t do, neglect to show that we do, or isn’t pronounced in our community. 

We do breastfeed, we do cloth diaper, we do raise our kids vegan and holistically!

What are you three favorite Instagram accounts to follow?

I absolutely love @myepiphany, @thevitamindproject and @africanboheme.

What is on your to do list for today?

Finishing one of my books and a blog post.

Describe motherhood in one sentence. 

You’ll never know it all, you’re always learning.

Anything else you want to add?

I think it’s important to show more diversity in the birthing and mothering community because there’s a lot of value when you’re learning from everyone and not just who you think is an expert. I want to see more representation that I can relate to.

And finally, where can we find you?

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