How to Maintain Your Inner Peace in What Seems Like a Never-Ending Chaotic World

How to Maintain Your Inner Peace in What Seems Like a Never-Ending Chaotic World

Jasmine Montoya

Well, I think it’s safe to say that 2021 started a bit rough and we are just two weeks into the new year. That being said believe it or not it is possible to keep a level of inner peace in a chaotic world. It takes awareness, dedication, and self-compassion but it IS POSSIBLE.

These five simple tips can help you to maintain your level of peace!

1. Limit social media content- I live by this quote “Be of the world but not in it” Limit your time spent watching the news and on your social media. Yes, we need to be aware of what is happening around us, but we do not need to be consumed by it.

2. Sage your home weekly – Saging or Smudging is an ancient practice used in healing, rituals, cleansing, and protection. There are times when the collective energies feel very heavy and dense. Saging your home will remove the negative energy lingering in your space.

3. Move your body- Can we say, “Family Dance Break?” Add a much-needed dance break or two to your daily routine. Make it fun and really get into the music and allow your body to move how it wants to move. Dancing helps to release and move all that stagnant and low vibrational energies stored in your body. Focus on having an out of mind but in your body kind of experience.

4. Choose your close circle wisely- Make sure the people you keep close right now are ones that you can wholeheartedly trust, ones that you can be your weird authentic self with, and ones who focus on positivity vs judgment and shame. Don’t be afraid to set healthy boundaries with family or friends who tend to focus more on the negative aspect of things and just completely drain you of your energy.

5. Be kind- Be kind to yourself and others. It’s ok to feel angry or scared but work on transmuting those energies and directing the focus on how to bring about real change. All feelings are welcomed and should be processed accordingly but nothing will come of throwing more fear and hate into this world. Hate and fear only breeds more hate and fear. Make a conscious decision to come from a place of love and compassion. This one may take some practice but it's worth the effort.

I have faith in a better future but change starts from within and as parents, it starts with our family unit. When times get tough, ground yourself, observe but do not absorb, and stand in your power with love.

“I pray for all of us, oppressor and friend, that together we may succeed in building a better world through human understanding and love ...”- Dalai Lama

- Jasmine AKA “Mindful Mama”


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