Introducing Ce Ce Chin of Vision Quest Shoes

Introducing Ce Ce Chin of Vision Quest Shoes

Today we have Ce Ce Chin of Vision Quest Shoes on The Mag. We were extremely lucky to work with Ce Ce at our launch party and we’ve been huge fans of hers (and her shoes!) ever since. Seriously, if you are looking to buy the most comfortable shoes around, look no further! Her shoes are available for purchase online and will be shipping after April 6.

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Introduce yourself and Vision Quest.

My name is Ce Ce Chin and I’m originally from Ann Arbor Michigan.  I spent most of my adult life in New York City before moving to LA five years ago. And honestly, I was lost when I first arrived.  I was coming out of a break up and had just closed my first shoe business.   The natural beauty and the spiritual openness of people here helped me evolve when I really needed to.  I started walking in Griffith Park regularly, and learned the value in engaging both the natural and the spiritual in everyday life. And I found comfort in being mindful of my everyday steps.  Essentially, I wanted to create a shoe line spoke to this idea of walking mindfully, like walking meditation.

Vision Quest shoes designed to help you apply the lessons of your spiritual practice into the day-to-day routine of your life. This way the calm and well-being you feel on the yoga mat, doesn't stay there. Vision Quest shoes ask you to carry this blissful, open state-of-mind all along your journey. And the shoe kinda looks like a Ouija board reader and I’ve included a Yes or No logo on the footbed of the shoe. My intention here was to help guide you toward your intentions and ask yourself if the steps you are taking are keeping you on the path.

How did you start this business? 

This is my second rodeo, so to speak.  When I lived in NY I had a shoe line called 80%20 footwear.  It ran from 2005-2012.  After that I moved to Southern California to be a VP of design for a handbag company.  When I was there I discovered they had quite a stockpile of leather remnants that were too small for bags but perfect for shoes.  So I made a deal to purchase the leather and began the shoe development.  Eventually I decided to focus on the shoes full time.

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What are (3) shoes in your store that you want to buy for yourself, right now?

1 -Sun Goddess

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2 & 3 - Creamy Pebble, Big Leo (on sale)

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What makes your designs so mom-friendly?

They are so easy to slip into and run after your little one!  The memory foam and leather lining feel soothing to your feet, and the bouncy rubber outsole makes them feel like a sneaker!  

A lot of women tell me their feet change after pregnancy and I think our design is forgiving for that.  

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Name three small businesses in LA that you love. 

And finally, where can we find you?

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