Introducing Stephanie Leshney of Dabble & Dollop

Introducing Stephanie Leshney of Dabble & Dollop

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Introduce yourself and your brand.

First and foremost, I’m a mom to three bubble bath crazed children. In my former life, I ran a natural ingredient company that grew to be rather large. We had over 500 cosmetic brands and manufacturers buying from us and that included many of the leading children’s brands. When we sold that company I realized I wasn’t ready to be “done”. And, I had an idea for a mixable bath concept for kids, knowing that my own kids loved to mix their products together for fun. My non-compete allowed me to be free to do what I wanted on the consumer side of the business so I invested a portion of our sale proceeds and started Dabble & Dollop - the first mixable bath products for kids. 

What inspired you to start this brand? 

My own children inspired me to start the brand. I knew that they, and most children, love to “make stuff”. Look at the incredible slime craze going on across this country, as an example. That was evidence enough that kids love to mix and make, and I felt that tapping into their imaginations would make bath time so much more fun, and less routine. I think it is so important that kids get to engage with and feel connected to their products and experience them in a more meaningful way. 

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Share three of your best products/ their scents and ingredients.

We just launched bath bombs and after a little over one week of sales we realize people LOVE this product. Our bath bombs, called Droplets, are mini sized, 100% natural and also mixable. Our set comes with four different bombs - Strawberry, Vanilla, Tangerine & Honeydew for a total of 12 bombs. 

Our mixable bath collection called Tub Club is really popular, and represents 50% of our total sales. It is a box set comprised of three mixable products (Vanilla Whip 8oz, Strawberry Gel, 10oz & Tangerine Gel 10oz), a kid-sized mixing bowl and recipe card set. Kids can make bubble bath, bodywash & shampoo by combining different scents and textures. We have four additional scents launching this Spring so subscribers will be able to customize each shipment by selecting which three scents they wish to have. 

Strawberry Gel is the leader when it comes to our individual bottle sales. Who doesn’t love strawberry - it’s sweet and subtle and I think our little strawberry character is super cute! With less than ten ingredients (in line with our fewer, better, cleaner philosophy), our natural/nature identical strawberry fragrance, substantiated tear-free and ultra-mild claims, it’s a product that both parents and kids can love. 

Name up to three other small businesses in the parenting space that you love.

A good friend of mine recently launched Hiya - @hiyahealth, a subscription service for better children’s vitamins. I love knowing how much R&D it took to make their products so good, and personally witnessing the passion and love behind a brand is so cool. Another friend turned me on to Alice & Ames dresses @aliceandames. And I’ve become a fan of the podcast. 

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Anything else you’d like to add? In some studies, as much as 60% of adults report that they have sensitive skin, and many are turn to kids products because they know they are formulated to be much more gentle. I too use our products and my favorite is the Tangerine. As a teenager, I fell in love with The Body Shop’s Satsuma Orange shower gel and I guess I’ve never gotten over that orange crush. :) 

And finally, where can we find you?


Instagram/social: @dabbleanddollop

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