Meet Alexandra Spitz of The New Mom School

Meet Alexandra Spitz of The New Mom School

Today on The Mag we have Alexandra Spitz of The New Mom School. The New Mom School, which offers postnatal education for moms with babies ranging from newborn through 12 months, is an incredibly valuable resource that can be found both online and in person. Read all about Alexandra below.

Introduce yourself and your company.  

My name is Alexandra Spitz. I am a LA native and after moving to Orange County I started OC Mommy and Me, now called The New Mom School, based in Newport Beach. I am a Certified Parent Educator, Infant Care Specialist, Happiest Baby Educator, and Positive Discipline Parent Educator, but more importantly, I am a mom to two boys!

What inspired you/the founders to start this company?

When my first son was born in 2011, I felt shocked by the experience being different than what I had expected it to be. On top of the overwhelming amount of work a newborn baby is, I felt guilty for having a hard time. My son was an easy baby so I should have been enjoying it more. I felt like a hostage and was really grieving the loss of my freedom. I joined a mommy and me class at A Mother’s Haven in Encino, where we lived at the time, and I had no idea that this group would have such a profound effect on my life and eventually lead me to my passion and purpose. The incredible women in the group became some of my best friends. It wasn’t until completing that class series that I realized how important it is to have other moms experiencing the same phase in motherhood supporting you on your journey. Fast forward 1.5 years when my husband was relocated to OC and it was time for me to leave my job and figure out what to do next. I had been working in commercial real estate as the Operations Director of a development firm for the 12 years prior. I couldn’t imagine working for anyone else at that point. I noticed OC didn’t have an age-specific mommy and me program for new moms so I decided it was my calling to create one to give other moms the same experience that I had as a new mom. Within 6 weeks I had a website launched and had classes running. We launched in January of 2013 and 7 years later, we have had nearly 4,000 moms in our classes and growing. At this time, we host 18-20 classes per week plus two free support groups for breastfeeding and postpartum mental health. We are so excited to be opening our second location in San Diego in April with plans to move forward with others in 2020!

What are three pieces of advice you'd like to share with parents?

DO YOU!  Focus on your own family, do what feels right to you, and stop comparing to others!  It’s impossible not to compare, trust me, I do it too.  But, when you notice you are comparing, acknowledge it, and then remind yourself to come back to the present moment and be there for your kids.

Name three other small businesses in LA that you love.

And lastly, where can we find you?

Physical Location: 2675 Irvine Ave, Suite 114, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Instagram/social: @newmomschool | Facebook |Yelp

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