What's luck got to do with it?

What's luck got to do with it?

So I went through this phase, back before we got all woke about cultural appropriation, where I did that typical cringey teenage “into Japan” phase that I’m only not ashamed to bring up because like, most white kids do that and the actual embarrassing part is that I’m legitimately asian, just, not that kind. Hell I took it the extra mile and took THREE semesters of Japanese at community college! Guess how much Japanese I can speak now??? (you’re right, it’s none!)

ANYWAY obviously I loved the maneki neko, or, as I called it at the time, “lucky asian kitty” and HOLD ON IT GETS WORSE that became a FREAKING VERB where whenever something really unreasonably fortunate happened I’d say I’d “lucky asian kitty’d” it. But like, here’s the thing, “lucky” stuff happened to me ALL THE DAMN TIME back then. Like, finding money on the street and winning contests and getting into shows for free and hell one time I even got Christofer Drew to give me his phone number which was 1. in 2009 and exactly the only time that would have been relevant and 2. was the literal only time I ever asked for a guy’s number.

Now I don’t want to blame any specific person or event on the ending of this phenomenon when I was approximately 20, BUT that WAS when I met/married my ex… and over the past few years it’s been slowly coming back, most notably increasing AFTER I left his toxic ass.

Which brings us to my actual point for today: I don’t know that I really believe in luck. And I say this with the extreme privilege of being the person that got the exact very last ticket in existence to the My Chemical Romance reunion show in December. I don’t think things “just happen”. I’m no metaphysics expert but if I were to try and explain it I’d say that what we call “luck” is more than anything when our mindset, intentions, and choices line up with the divine order of what’s meant to happen at any given moment. Theres an amount you can influence, and an amount that you can’t.

That being said, it’s that time of the year more people than usual are talking about luck, actual or alleged Irish heritage, wearing green, etc. And if not, it seems everyone’s getting antsy for spring and the accompanying new botanical growth, both literal and metaphorical.

I also read a post on instagram how, astrologically speaking this week is this time to make big money moves, and honestly I always feel like Friday the 13th’s go really well for me so…

I just launching my online shop with three green stones that I think fit the seasonal zeitgeist really well:

  • Green aventurine is specifically a stone of prosperity, associated with decisiveness, perseverance, and healing.

  • Green agate is a calming and harmonizing stone, and just unbelievably gorgeous. I had to audibly catch my breath a few times making these pieces.

  • And Prehenite, which is all about harmony with nature, peace and protection. I have all three stones in both necklaces and earrings so you can make yourself a lil matching set, however, because I only use rough-cut natural stones, they’re all different and… some stones are more limited than others. So maybe don’t hesitate if you see something that you like?

And finally, I hope that you and yours are staying healthy right now, and please don’t forget to wash your hands.

- Victoria aka Homegrown Homeschoolers

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