Your Self-Care is Important

Your Self-Care is Important

Calling all mothers!  I think few of us would dispute that mothers are some of the hardest workers on the earth. At the same time, it can get hard to be consistent with our self-care or even just take a moment in our day to take a break.

A survey was conducted by Healthy Women and Working Mother and the results showed “78 percent of women said they often put off taking care of themselves or getting their health appointments made because they are so busy taking care of other family members' health.” Do you fall in the 78%?  I did!  To be honest, although I’ve gotten much better at this, lately with all that has been going on it’s been especially hard to get some time in for myself.

When you think of self-care what does that mean to you?  Does it mean a spa day? Does it mean taking care of your own needs?  Is it a way to help you reset?  Self-care consists of taking care of our well-being by caring for our mental, physical, and emotional health.    This can include simple necessities such as sitting down to eat and taking a daily shower to staying on top of yearly physicals, dental check-ups, getting enough sleep, and making sure your mindset is in the right place.  Self-care needs to be part of our lifestyle because you are as important as your child.  If you don’t take care of yourself then who will? 

Before becoming a mother, I was really good with my self-care but after having my son it went out the window.  Just taking a shower and getting ready for the day was an accomplishment for me during the first year of motherhood. I learned ways to involve my son in the process when I needed to take a breather. Some of the things I do now with my son are taking walks together, going to a coffee shop, and having quiet time together when things feel a bit overwhelming.  

What is one thing you can do with your child when you need a breather and can’t have alone time without your child? 

What is one step you can take to give yourself some quiet time or to take care of you? 

It is possible to get some down time, but you must be intentional about it.  What are you willing to do to get 10 to 30 minutes of “me time”?


 Let’s all take a well-deserved break. 


To help with getting some self-care, I’m sharing some of my motherly advice:


·      Never allow yourself to feel guilty for taking a break and spending some time on your own needs.

·      Give your mind a rest. Allow yourself to not worry about chores of your daily to do list.   The laundry, dishes, or cleaning can wait an hour or two. 

·      Say this to yourself often: “If I’m okay, then he/she is okay.”  This reminds me that when I’m feeling well mentally and emotionally, I’m better able to be present as a parent and have the necessary energy that my son requires.

·      Talk with your husband or partner about planning a time for him to take over with the children in order for you to have some down time.


Some ideas for a break:

·      Take a walk 

·      Sit outside with your favorite drink or snack and catch up on that book you’ve been meaning to finish.

·      Call and reconnect with a good friend.

·      At home facial or manicure and if you have essential oils turn on your diffuser (my favorite thing to do).

·      Bubble bath


Some things you can do with your children to relax:

·      Going out for a walk

·      Dancing to some silly music

·      Baking their favorite treat together

·      Care ride with music and/or Starbucks drive thru (my favorite right now in quarantine)

·      Listening to music

·      Setting up Teepee tent or a fort to relax inside

·      Picnic outside or inside


Remember you matter as much as your child matters and take time for you.  What’s one way you can take a break this week? Leave me a comment below!

If you have any questions or would like to know ways I’m able to help you as a parent coach through your journey of parenthood, feel free to email me at  or (562)-419-2624.

You can follow me on Instagram @vanessasfamilylab


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