Creative Quarantine Date Ideas

Creative Quarantine Date Ideas

Today we have Elleni Woods, a practitioner of holistic women’s health expert, a specialist in breathwork, Chinese medicine and acupuncture practitioner. Read her date nights in quarantine below: 

Hello all you lovers out there! Here are some out of the box ideas for you to come together and give each other some love. Some of these might be way out of your comfort zone but since you are both in quarantine you might as well give it a go. It’s about the journey not the destination! 

  • Cook Together - Sign up for a cooking class online and learn to cook Thai, Greek, Japanese or anything that tantalizes your taste buds. Cooking together is a wonderful team building exercise and can get you out of your comfort zone. Put on some music, take a breath, enjoy being present and let go of the outcome. However it turns out, it might be a good idea to have a back up ;)

  • Practice Yoga, Meditation or Breathwork - Tensions are pretty high at the moment however, this is a perfect opportunity to go inside and learn to sit with yourself and your partner. Learning to lean into the pain and the uncomfortable feelings and hold them with compassion and love. Connecting on a spiritual plane is a wonderful way to experience each other's true spirit. This is also a beautiful opportunity to heal in your relationship, to breathe together and be vulnerable together. This will bring you out of a reactive space and allow you to feel stillness and presence even in the most triggering of moments.

  • Create a Vision Board - This is a perfect opportunity to sit down and put your intentions, hopes and dreams out there for the upcoming year. What do you desire? What brings you happiness? What inspires you? What are some goals you can work on as individuals and together as a couple?  Cut out magazines, use a pinterest board or go to mindmovies and watch how you manifest your true desires. This is also a great way to check in with each other, to see what your dreams are as individuals and what you want together for the future as a family.  

  • Silent Disco! - Put the kids to bed and go in for the night. Dancing is wonderful for releasing those happy hormones! You may like to add some cannabis gummies, or if you’re not into mind altering substances you can create a Cacao drink before you start. Cacao is a beautiful traditional chocolate that is used in ceremony to open the heart and connect to the divine. There are wonderful recipes online. I love to add Maca to my cacao. As an adaptogen, Maca is wonderful for the sex hormones and gets you in mood for some lovin! Especially when used long term. Note: Cacao can be stimulating so if you are very sensitive reduce your dosage. You may also want to start the day with a cacao latte instead of coffee as the active ingredient, theobromine, is energising without the spike and crash effect. 

  • Yoni and Lingham Steam - Aka Vagina and Anal Steaming. You heard right! Just be curious and playful! It’s beneficial for physical, mental and emotional health. This is a wonderful ritual for you both to release emotional and energetic blocks. For women this helps to clear past lovers, promotes healing after childbirth, increases energy, reduces stress. warms the uterus and increases circulation for menstrual issues. For men it cleanses the anas, improves circulation to the prostate, increases energy, reduces inflammation, reduces stress and improves mood. The dried organic herbs I like to use are oregano, calendula, lemon balm, nettle, rosemary, mugwort. Choose whatever resonates with you.  Note: if the steam is too hot wait for it to cool down. It should be warm-hot but not too hot where it feel like its burning you. Not to be done while menstruating or with an IUD.  When trying to conceive - For women, only do this straight after your period when you have stopped bleeding. This is not to be done in a trying to conceive cycle or ART/IVF cycle. For men this is not to be done frequently, and I would avoid TTC as the heat can affect fertility when done frequently. This includes saunas too guys. 

  • Aphrodesiacs - Ingest things like Damiana Tea, Maca, dark chocolate, oysters, Chinese Herbs like Ginseng (Ren Shen), Horney Goat weed (Yin Yang Huo) and Goji berries (Gou Qi Zi) to name a few.

  • Belly Massage - This is wonderful for everyone. It helps with digestion, improves circulation, releases tension, wonderful for healing after childbirth and improves blood flow to the pelvic bowl. Massage in a clockwise direction and allow your hands to be guided by what your partner needs.  

  • Acupressure/Cupping - This is a wonderful tool to learn to help heal each other in times of stress, pain, anxiety and to help with general health and wellness. You apply pressure to points on the body that are associated with the chinese medicine meridian system. I start with giving the ears a little massage as it calms the whole nervous system. There are so many anti stress points but i like to include - Kidney 1, Kidney 27, Large Intestine 4, Liver 3, Bladder 2, Pericardium 6 and Spleen 6. Always ask for feedback from your partner on what feels good. Also just placing your hand on the heart and lower abdomen can be very relaxing. You may also like to include cupping in your repertoire. Cupping relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow and calms the nervous system, among other things. You can order some silicone cupping tools online to give each other a lovely cupping massage. Remember to take turns! 

  • Awakening all the Senses - This is a beautiful process.  For the sense of sight you can start by clearing the space, get rid of the clutter, lay down a blanket and surround yourself with objects that will awaken and excite your senses.  You can be wearing something sexy, your underwear or nothing at all (I prefer nothing at all!) For the sense of touch feel out your partner’s erogenous zones. Where do they like to be touched? How do they like to be touched? Discover what turns them on. For the sense of smell you can use a candle, flowers or anti stress essential oils like Lavender, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Bergamont , Neroli or a blend. For taste you might like to include cacao drink or dark chocolate, fruit, gelato, whipped cream or anything that you fancy really. It’s time to play so enjoy!

Love & Light,



IG: Kambo_luna

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