Welcome to The Mag by MiLOWE
Welcome to the MiLOWE MAG and allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re Christianne Cruz and Callie Bloem, first-time entrepreneurs, professional multi-taskers, big time hustlers and of course, Moms… which leads to a big question: Why are we doing this?
As parents we know how tough life can get. Not every moment is going to be easy breezy and sometimes we get caught up in those shoulda-woulda-couldas. We’ve all spent too much time Googling the same questions over and over like “Why Won’t My Kid Sleep?” “Best Restaurants For Kids With Outdoor Patio” or “Best Park With Plenty of Shade.” Our web browsers are probably autopopulating these questions into search fields right now just by us thinking about them. While we’re not going to be able to answer that sleep question for you (if we could, we’d be gazillionaires, right?), we are going to do our darnedest to help with those other kinds of questions.
We want to help you find exactly what you’re looking for and also connect you to an amazing community of parents, especially in Los Angeles. The two of us love reading about how people start their businesses, balance work-life and family-life, share their favorite places (for fun and productivity) and just generally deliver the kind of everyday inspiration we all need to keep moving forward. So we will be bringing you interviews with fellow LA parents and entrepreneurs, video featurettes and convos to get you thinking and of course plenty of recommendations for all things kids related.
Please follow along with us! We will be posting every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and of course you’ll see us posting all the time on the ‘gram, because let’s be real, we’re all obsessed with it aren’t we?
We’re so happy to have you here! If you have any ideas for what you’d like to see in this space or if you want to contribute, please shoot us an email. We love hearing from you!
- Callie & Christianne