Moms on the Move - Mia Sable Hays

Moms on the Move - Mia Sable Hays

We are so excited to have Mia Sable Hays, founder of motherbirdLA, on MiLOWE Mag today! I was lucky enough to meet Mia at a Hey Mama event this spring and have been a huge fan of her company (and her!) ever since. 

Mia Sable Hayes


First, tell us your story! We’d love to hear little bit about yourself and your business. 

Hi, I’m Mia. I founded motherbirdLA after it took me nearly 2 years to go out for the first time with a bunch of new mom-friends! It was ridiculously tricky to sort out what we would do, and we ended up spending so much money on nothing important, but it made me realize how much we all just wanted to get the most out of our short time away. I was also particularly moved by the awkwardness of educated professional women moving into the space of “stay at home” or “part-time” and I wanted to create a way to optimize our precious time away with interesting and upscale programming to support each other apart from the concept of “work", and apart from being with the children. A time for moms to enjoy and discover themselves and the things and people they relate to on the other side of the motherhood experience. On the surface level, I curate cool-er mom’s nights out with awesome women and brand partners who get it. At the heart, I believe we are building a strong diverse network of women who will protect each other, share resources that improve the lives of our families, and elevate the societal perception of women who are mothers.


How many kids do you have, what ages? 

I have one 3 year old daughter.

What are your top three recommendations for things to do with kids in LA

We are big fans of Underwood Family Farms, the various markets and holiday events in our neighborhood of Playa Vista, and the Annenberg Beach House is pretty great.


How do you network as a parent and a business person?

I prioritize being in groups where I’m going to get to have deep and honest conversations because that’s what fuels my passion and direction (play grounds, moms nights out, coffee dates, etc.), but I also try to do at least one women's networking event every month or so in order to keep learning from others, discover new products and services, and meet potential collaborators. I’ve attended events by Hey MamaWomen Founders Network, and private events hosted by influential local moms I know.

Where do you go for inspiration on the web and in real life?

I’m always listening to things moms are wishing for or complaining about around me in person, in text threads, in Facebook groups…that’s where I find the problems I want to solve and get a sense for the needs that are trending in my community.

What is the first website you visit every morning? 

Sigh… Instagram, then Facebook

What are you three favorite Instagram accounts to follow? 

I love to dig for the deep feels @notsafeformomgroup @hellomytribe and  @nytparenting.

What is on your to do list for today? 

Taking my daughter to preschool and posting up nearby with my laptop to send emails to finalize the gifting sponsors for our next event in 2 weeks, probably getting a little distracted chatting with other moms, and then figuring out the mystery of every day - what’s for lunch? 

And finally, where can we find you?

o   Website:

o   Instagram: @motherbirdLA

Thank you so much, Mia!

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