An Interview With Sarah McNamee, Founder of What Little Wonder

An Interview With Sarah McNamee, Founder of What Little Wonder

Today on The Mag we’re excited to feature Sarah McNamee. Sarah is the founder of What Little Wonder, an online shop featuring beautiful gender-neutral nursery decor, swaddles and baby accessories. Learn more about Sarah and what inspired her to start her business, the importance of shopping small, some of her favorite brands and much more!

Sarah McNamee

Introduce yourself, your shop and your family.

I'm Sarah McNamee, the founder and curator behind What Little Wonder. I started the shop as a single mom, back in 2017 after seeing a need for more modern, affordable pieces that didn't "scream baby". What Little Wonder offers gender neutral baby essentials in creamy, muted hues inspired by boho and modern vibes for the modern mama. What Little Wonder is the perfect shopping destination for moms that don't want to find out the gender of their baby - no more sticking to yellow or grey, we allow moms to curate the perfect nursery space and stock up on must have baby essentials suitable for a baby boy or girl.

As a small shop owner, I've always been passionate about shopping small and supporting small business owners; which is why I intentionally curate products from small to mid sized brands that are also mama owned. I recently got married and we now have five children (the youngest baby is six months!) and it's been such a fun journey watching the shop grow so much over the past three years. Every piece in the shop is something I would personally use or buy for my own children, so there is truly a lot of intentionality behind every item I select.

What inspired you to start your e-commerce shop?

My first son was the initial inspiration for the shop. It was so difficult to find crib sheets that weren't covered in cliche' zoo animals. Most outfits had cheesy sayings in loud colors that made me cringe. Even now, years later shopping for my second son, I'm still finding the same type of things in stores. I really had to dig to find what I loved for him, and I knew there had to be other moms that felt the same way I did. Why weren't these items more easily accessible? So, I jumped in with both feet and haven't looked back since!

Photo credit: Gabrielle Rankens

Photo credit: Gabrielle Rankens

We’ve seen a big trend online in shopping small. Why is this so important, not only to independent businesses like yourself but for the economy as a whole?

This shopping small trend actually comes as no surprise to me. I think more people, more moms are wanting to support people and businesses they can really connect and relate to. By supporting small businesses, consumers are able to see where they're money is going and that's a great feeling! Through social media, we're able to find these amazing entrepreneurs behind these small businesses. They're inspirational, they're offering amazing products, and we want to support them! Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. As our businesses thrive and grow, we're able to in turn, offer jobs and help the economy flourish.

How does your business empower women and parents in particular?

There is nothing I love more than to empower and encourage others, which is why I aim to find products from brands that are mama-owned. My customers have the opportunity to shop small x 2!

My shop is empowering parents by offering high quality products at price points that aren't out of reach. What Little Wonder allows moms and parents to choose items that seamlessly integrate with the style of their home. Why should the style that we buy for our children be so different than the aesthetic that we want for ourselves and our homes? From our selection of products, customers are able to truly curate the perfect boho/modern nursery space in warm, buttery tones.

Sarah McNamee

Name up to three small brands that you admire.

I truly admire Snuggle Me Organic, Yeah Baby Goods and Three Pines Co.

I find myself following these specific brands heavily and one thing they all have in common is that they are authentic and not afraid to be real and honest. I follow these ladies on Instagram, and it's so encouraging and empowering to learn their stories and see behind the scenes of their businesses. They are incredibly inspirational women and as a fellow small business owner, it's extremely invaluable to know that you're not alone. Being an entrepreneur is challenging enough. Toss that in with motherhood, being a wife, and balancing other hiccups that life throws your way; it's vital to have people that you connect with or look up to during those hard moments.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I just want to encourage any moms that are contemplating taking that leap to follow their own dreams. It's 100% do-able, and no one has it all figured out at first. Heck, most of us are still figuring it out as we go! But the key is to take that first step. Don't be afraid to share your heart's calling - the world needs what you have to offer in your own authentic and unique way!

And finally, where can we find you?

Website: http://whatlittlewonder

Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest: @whatlittlewonder

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