An Interview With Micha Forbes, Founder of Luliluli

An Interview With Micha Forbes, Founder of Luliluli

Today we’re thrilled to feature Micha Forbes on The Mag. Micha is the founder of newly launched moses basket company Luliluli. Learn more about Micha and her business, her best tips for entrepreneurs, launching a business during a pandemic and much more!

Micha Forbes, Founder of Luliluli

We're so happy to talk with you! Can you start by telling us a little about yourself and your company LuliLuli?

Luliluli is a baby company inspired by my two girls, Jamey and Maia. During the Pandemic Shutdown of 2020, I had some extra time to go through their baby items and realized how many pieces were made of plastics and could not be easily re-purposed. I sought out nursery basics that could last and were unisex in design. When I'm not occupied being a full time mom, wife, working my 9-5 or Luliluli, you can find me reading a good mystery novel!

How many kids do you have? What ages?

2 and 6 year old girls. They're best friends and the funniest enemies.

Micha Forbes

Your company mission is three-fold: 1 - to care for our babies 2- to care for our Earth and 3 - to care for our communities. Have these areas always been important to you or did they become a primary focus after becoming a parent?

The saying "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” has always resonated with me. There are a lot of products out there on the market but kids really just need the basics to be loved and feel loved. This thought process flowed into the development of Luliluli. The intention is for the products we come out with to be used even after the baby is too big to use them. The baskets are fun for my kids to use with their baby toy animals. In addition, these products are made by hand and with care. The partnerships provide wages for the artisans and in turn, they can also care for their families.

You currently partner with Baba Tree Basket Company in Ghana for the Moses Baskets and artisans in Vietnam for the Changing Baskets. How did you find these makers and what does your process look like working together?

Both are established businesses with the teams and infrastructure to partner with our very very small biz. Since I am halfway across the world from these makers, I chose partners that I could trust based on their history in the business and commitments to their artisans.

You launched your business in the middle of a pandemic. What has that been like? And had you planned to launch Luliluli prior to the pandemic or was it a business born during quarantine?

Luliluli was born during quarantine and it continues to be such a wild ride in terms of learning e-commerce and logistics! I had initially planned to partner with artisans from my mom's hometown in Bulacan, Philippines but with most of the country in lockdown as well, it has been a challenge to get the project going. My hope is to have products produced from Bulacan in 2022. Logistics is a big factor in what items we have for now.


What tips or advice do you have for your fellow entrepreneurs?

Just do it! It's going to be nuts but the experience will build your grit.

You are involved in the Entrepinayship networking group. How have you been networking during the pandemic and do you have any advice for other women looking to make more business connections?

Oh how I miss in-person connections! Luckily Zoom has somewhat filled the void but still looking forward to the day in-person events come back. In addition to Entrepinayship, The Mom Project is another resource to connect with women leaders navigating through careers. I encourage fellow moms to reach out and "shoot your shot" as Gen Z says :) A networking connection could turn into a new friendship or open the door to a new career path you never thought you'd explore. The opportunities are endless with a group of women leaders.

What are your favorite family friendly activities in the Cleveland area?

This is our second year living in Cleveland and we really enjoy the Metro Parks! When the weather is right, we go on bike rides or long walks. It's especially beautiful in the Fall.

And finally, where can we find you?

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