The Secret To Managing Five Kids - From Tracy Caliendo

The Secret To Managing Five Kids - From Tracy Caliendo

In honor of Christianne’s maternity leave we asked some of our favorite people to share stories from "the fourth trimester," the period between birth and 12 weeks postpartum during which your baby (or the baby you care for) is adjusting to the world and you're adjusting to your baby. Today Tracy Caliendo, mother of five (four of whom were born within 13 months of each other!) is telling us her best piece of advice for juggling it all!

Tracy Caliendo

4 kids- 1 tween, 3 babies- was for the most part manageable. We had our routine and got into a good groove. Adding another baby has taken it to another level. I’ve come to realize with this whole experience that I have to always be on the offensive, constantly anticipating needs and situations, otherwise the kids completely take over.

How do I do it? I plan- a lot. Sunday nights I review my 11 year old’s schedule with him and coordinate all the activities and plan homework. My husband and I divide and conquer- groceries, meals, work schedules, almost everything. The babies are all on a super strict schedule for feedings and sleep. It’s a juggle but we are managing. It doesn’t always work and there are days when I literally could cry I’m so tired but in the end it’s all about love. I love my family so much that it’s all worth it. To those of you with multiples, large families, really anyone with kids- I tip my hat to you. The struggle is real!!! 

- Tracy

Make sure to follow Tracy here: @almosttripletsnyc

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