Moms on the Move - Rena Strober

Moms on the Move - Rena Strober

Today we are lucky to have the multi-talented Rena Strober on The Mag. Rena is an actor, singer, business owner and mom to an almost three year old. Read below to find out more about Rena!


Tell us your story! We’d love to hear a little bit about yourself and your business. 

Who am I? Well..I need to clarify this question; Before I became a mom or after? Because before I was a mom I was definitely a woman who took acting jobs because they included an airline ticket to the middle of nowhere so I could sing selections from Les Mis. I ate full meals at 11pm followed by a bowl of cereal and I actually set my alarm to wake me up at 9:15am. Now, if you want to know who I am POST becoming a mom? Well, then that's a different question altogether. I'm still a working actor, singer, teacher and advocate for the blind. I perform in concerts featuring 'Selections from Les Miserable' but mostly in Los Angeles or cities with decent children's activities. I say yes to random jobs because they pay towards my pension/health plan and I don't think I've eaten dinner in the past 3 weeks because I'm usually asleep by 8:45pm. (Although I still eat a bowl of cereal before bedtime.)

I started my career on Broadway in Les Mis, hence the constant request to belt out I Dreamed a Dream. I went on to perform on stages around the world and finally landing in Los Angeles 9 years ago where I currently do 1-woman shows, Television, film and a ton of voice over for video games & animation. I'm also a passionate voice teacher for the blind and produce events that feature their incredible talents. I'm about to release an album featuring the songs of classic Sesame Street. This magical album stars myself, Jason Alexander, French Stewart and an entire choir of young blind children. Who doesn't love the music we grew up on!?

I also co-created and run A Star is Born: Parent & Me Classes in Los Angeles where every week we use a different Broadway show to teach rhythm, dancing, singing and more!

 How many kids do you have, what ages?

I have 1 little girl who's almost 3 years old. I started late in becoming a mom so I think she's it for me. Her name is Isadora ‘Izzy’ Rose.


What are your top three tips to help parents/kids get into music and theatre?

Start young! I was singing my favorite showtunes to Izzy the moment she was born. Of course by age 2 she requested I stop so she could finish the song, but I'm still doing it despite her rejections of my song choices. I also suggest bringing them to live theater as soon as you think they can sit still. Watching your child see people sing & dance live on stage for the first time is simply magical.

I have a child who doesn't like to sit still so we spend a good amount of time watching Mary Poppins on the couch. (The ORIGINAL ONLY)

How do you network as a parent and a business person?

I LOVE the parent facebook groups I'm a part of. One is for my specific neighborhood (Atwater Village) which offers so much personal advice, selling of things 2nd hand, playdates and a great place to vent. The other is a private facebook group for parents on both coasts which also affords me a safe space to ask those embarrassing mommy questions we all have, vent about tantrums and laugh at the tales of other parents. As far as networking for my work, I simply always invite families, parents and communities to my live shows. Unfortunately, many of my 1-woman shows aren't kid friendly...because I sing and speak very honestly with NY dirty humor...but it's a great night out for any parent!

What's one tip or piece of advice you have for your fellow entrepreneurs? 

Get to know fellow parents on a personal level and not just on a 'what do you do' kinda of level. I find that when I ask people how they're really doing, share war stories of parenthood and show videos of my child saying 'Bullshit' it creates a truer bond that will lead to more work in the end. We always want to help those we connect with and this town is so full of shallow connections. When I meet casting directors or producers I don't ask about their 'work' or how to get in to audition for them. I like to know about their kids! I love seeing pictures! I love knowing when someone I'm meeting is a mom because it means we both speak the same exhausted language. 

 Where do you go for inspiration on the web and in real life?

This might sound wacky, but I'm always inspired when I sit down and watch the old classic Sesame Street episodes. I watch these with Izzy and they inspire me to A. Sing more B. Laugh more C. Embrace everyone's differences and E. Embrace my inner grouch. I'm also incredibly inspired by Podcasts like The Moth, TedX Radio Hour and Radio Lab. 

What is the first website you visit every morning?

NY Times Headlines to see what crazy sh*t our President has said.

What are you three favorite Instagram accounts to follow?

Brace yourself: Dr. Pimplepopper, Alan Cummings, any account with dogs doing funny things.

What is on your to do list for today?

Write a press release for my upcoming album release, Choose songs for 2 upcoming concerts, Oh yeah..and everyday I look at this one: Work out and eat less sugar (I fail daily) 

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Describe motherhood in one sentence. Motherhood?

It's always feeling like you were up all night cleaning up after a party you weren't invited to..but you still feel excited about the people who did go that party. Oh..and because you were cleaning up all night you haven't had time to shower or work out in weeks.  

Anything else you want to add?

Mothers are freaking warriors! I have no idea why Marvel hasn't made a super hero movie about a damn MOM! I bow down to fellow moms, especially those with more than 1 kid. The amount of love, worry, anxiety, panic and level of organization we have to endure daily is beyond comprehension. My hats off to everyone juggling children, life, work and oh yeah..our own damn happiness. This martini is for you!

 And finally, where can we find you?

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