A Birthday Under Quarantine?! What's a Parent To Do?

A Birthday Under Quarantine?! What's a Parent To Do?


Does your little one have a birthday during quarantine? Here’s how you can make the day extra special!

STEP 1: Have a party planning meeting with your birthday kiddo. Mine is 3 going on 4 and this was hilarious. He had so many wishes for his birthday that would cost me about $3 total but would take some planning on my part. Ask them what are their expectations, likes, dislikes are for the party. Some will be do able and some will not be. But do your best! That’s all we’ve got these days anyway right? So many of our “decorations” were found on our grocery store runs. Non necessity stores aren’t open so you may not get the perfect balloons this year but it’s a moment in time where we all will learn that perfection doesn’t matter. It’s genuinely the thought that counts! This is proof of that!  BUT, kids are kids and most things don’t have to be extravagant for them to feel celebrated and happy! For me it was easy to spin their desires for their party with friends into an at home party! Remember, your attitude towards circumstances are contagious so if you act like it’s the coolest party ever then they will too!


My little guy wanted a “FORD MUSTANG” birthday cake. So I delivered. It was a store bought cake purchased on a grocery run because let’s be honest I’m tired of cooking. Then we added the special touches. He thought it was the radest cake ever.

STEP 2: Do a few things out of the ordinary that are special to this birthday. Make it memorable and I promise you they will hardly even remember they couldn’t leave the house and have a fancy party. For us this meant- using road tape (purchased on amazon) to make a road for his hot wheels cars after he went to bed the night before his birthday. When he got up the next morning he was so excited to see “A RACETRACK ALL THROUGH MY HOUSE!”. We started the day with a present at the end of the racetrack. It was so fun and unforgettable!

STEP 3: Remember, especially if your little one is small some of their demands will be crazy but also totally fun to make come to life. For us this was: “I want cupcakes for breakfast.” WELL GUYS, @weelicious to the rescue as always. She has an amazing recipe for BREAKFAST CUPCAKES. Don’t tell anyone but they are actually pancakes in muffin tins! My little couldn’t stop telling EVERYONE that he had birthday cupcakes for breakfast! Make their dreams come true even from your house! :)

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STEP 4: The one positive as my husband said is “the birthday budget went out the window.” A huge relief to some of us who loves parties and tend to overdue it every year (but in the most fun ways possible!) AKA ME. We decided to build a giant 4 in our front yard covered in balloons. This was my “instead of a party gift of love.” Is it necessary? NO. Was it fun? YES. Did it make my little dude feel extra special? YES. Is it still up 4 days after the party? YES AGAIN. Let’s get creative parents! Kids will remember the memories we give them and will respond to circumstances the way you model for them. On these special days and quarantined birthdays let’s wrap our houses with love and show our kids just how BIG they are loved even through small gestures.

At the end of the day RYKER (now 4 as I write this) told me it was the best day ever. When I asked him what his favorite part was he said, “all of it.” We had an amazing day celebrating him and laughing a ton. He had no idea about all the “special hot wheels party” stuff sitting in my amazon cart. And WHO CARES! Hug your littles tight + party your pants off!



- Brittany AKA “Crafty Mom”



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