How to Gift Kids Book Like a Pro

How to Gift Kids Book Like a Pro

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It's no secret that we love books at MiLOWE! Not only do we love reading them, but we love gifting them as well. Books are the best gifts because they're educational and great for developing kid brains, can be used as decorative elements in any nursery or bedroom and can be just as much fun for the parents as the kids. When I give books as gifts I generally give a set of two and then also a little toy that feels thematically connected. Sometimes I buy books by the same authors, other times they just look nice together or their stories play off one another. Here are some of my favorites book pairings to gift:

1. Gaston and Antoinette - These two adorable books share the same characters (two families of mismatched pups) and tell their stories from opposite view points. Fun to read on their own but with all the shared universe parallels even better one after the other.

2. ET and Buffy The Vampire Slayer - We've mentioned these books countless times for a very good reason - they are awesome! All of the POP Classics series are perfect for your hipster, pop culture-loving friends and act as an awesome intro for kiddos to get clued into a few iconic entertainment properties that exist outside of more classic kids literature.

3. Cook in a Book and Los Angeles Is -  I've bought this combo several times (sometimes I switch out the pizza Cook in a Book for the taco one) because they look cute together in all their designer vibes glory and most self-respecting Angelenos consider themselves foodies. The Cook in a Book series is super interactive and walks you through all the steps of creating each book's main item (pizza, tacos, pancakes, etc). Los Angeles Is is a staple for any local friends and sums up LA's iconography and neighborhoods perfectly.

4. Can You Keep a Straight Face and How Do You Sleep - There are several books in this series and they are all fun to read, especially for younger babies. Every page has a tab to pull and intricately designed pop-ups that make a funny face or shows cute animals cuddling. We've had to tape the pages countless times because we've gone through them so much, but even with the wear and tear these never leave our high rotation reading list.

5. My First Book of Patterns and These Colors Are Bananas - I actually received these two books as a gift set myself and fell in love! The pattern book walks your future clothing designer or architect through all the names and designs of various patterns and where your little one might see them in real life. And the Bananas book teaches kids that just because this or that item (from bananas to grass to skin) is sometimes one color, it doesn't mean that there aren't tons of other variations and possibilities out there in the world. Plus this one ends on a surprising interactive note that will be delightful for littles.

6. Wild Animals and ABCs - This is another solid series that differentiates itself by being a uniquely tactile read. Each page has cut outs and textures for little readers to explore as they learn their letters or verbs that describe specific animals and their unique habitats around the world. Plus these two look effortlessly chic on any shelf and will wow even the most picky of parents.

Happy reading!

- Callie

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