An Interview With Lisa Boles, Founder of Uncelebrated Goods

An Interview With Lisa Boles, Founder of Uncelebrated Goods

Today we're thrilled to feature Lisa Boles on The Mag. Lisa is the founder of a small business that launched in the pandemic - Uncelebrated Goods.

What sparked your idea for the brand?

In the early days of the pandemic, traditional milestones - birthdays, weddings, baby showers - were taking up far less attention and space than they normally do. In their absence, I started noticing my loved ones doing things that were cause for celebration: quitting toxic jobs, winning bidding wars, launching businesses. But, I couldn’t find cards to celebrate these modern milestones. So, I decided to create them! I came up with my initial line-up and sketched out concepts then passed them along to my husband who’s a marketing director and a self-taught designer. And away we went!

This isn’t simply a card line to me; it’s a movement and it’s all about celebrating more people for more things more often.

For parents who dream to pursue their creative endeavors - can you share any tips?

Three things:

  1. Just start! If you wait until everything is perfect, then you might never launch. Allow yourself permission to learn and evolve as you go. If you’re passionate about something and think it needs to exist in the world, then make it so.

  2. Celebrate small wins and micro milestones: your first sale, the first store that wants to carry your product, your 100th social follower. Eventually, a lot of mini achievements start to build to something bigger.

  3. Entrepreneurship and parenting (and life, in general) can be tricky to balance. There will be times when you’ll have the energy and focus to pour into your creative endeavour. And there will be times when you won’t. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself those ebbs and flows in productivity and drive. It’s better to move slowly than to flame out because you pushed yourself too hard.

Name small businesses that you admire:
Pretty by Her - sassy handmade gifts and a sassier founder who proudly leads a values-driven brand

Femme Faire - accessories brand dedicated to ethical, local, sustainable and slow fashion

Moodbeads - gorgeous jewellery to match every mood with a mission to help people recognize and validate their emotions

Anything else you’d like to add?

The current line includes 30 cards celebrating everything from starting therapy to getting a new pet to finalizing your divorce! There are more cards dropping early in 2022 and I’ve been prototyping some gift box ideas to make it even easier for you to celebrate peoples’ modern milestones. Follow along on Instagram for occasional special offers and the inside scoop on upcoming launches.

And finally, where can we find you?

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