Moms on the Move - Jess Lizama

Moms on the Move - Jess Lizama

Today we are wrapping up our 2019 Moms on the Move interview series with the amazing (and stunning!) Lifestyle and YouTube influencer Jess Lizama. Jess not only runs an incredibly successful website full of beauty, tech and travel posts, but she is also the mother of a 22-year old! Check out Jess' interview below for some inspiration to get you excited for the new year.


Tell us your story! We’d love to hear little bit about yourself and your business.

I was a teen mom and a single mom. I started my YouTube channel back in 2010 and made the move to Los Angeles with my daughter Corrine when she graduated 8th grade. I started creating content about life and making fun of the moments that are truly just moments and that boomed into a business for me. So I pivoted my content over to Lifestyle so that I could talk about my mom life, wife life, cooking, travel, and beauty all at once! I've again pivoted my career and I'm a fitness coach in LA and it's my whole purpose to help women realize their full potential and lunge for it...literally ;)

How many kids do you have, what ages?

1 daughter, Corrine who is 22 and goes to college, manages an online vintage shop, and works full time.


What are your top three recommendations for things to do with kids in LA?

I love a good hike with a packed picnic at the top. It's affordable, fun, and effective haha The Wisdom Tree, Palos Verdes, Griffith Park, all lovely spots to explore. Art galleries, fancy restaurants, and farmers markets are some of my favorite things to do with my daughter.

How do you network as a parent and a business person?

It's tough for adults to make new friends because we don't make time to leave our house right? We work work work, grind grind grind, hustle hustle and then we go home and immediately welcome the cozy pants and no bra times. I've found some of my closest friendships working out, connecting to a community who only want to make the world better, and making one another stronger. So I'd say work out, find any place that makes you feel like you're home even if that's a local cafe or your neighborhood book store and talk to strangers. People are sometimes afraid of meeting new people, but it's the most fun part when you can connect to another human, try it! 

Where do you go for inspiration on the web and in real life? 

On the web I love following up with my favorite people on Instagram and blogs because people are usually consistent there and it's nice to follow along someone's journey. In real life I turn to my closest friends inside and outside of the gym and we make it a point to see each other at least once a month to catch up and ting tequila glasses. 

What is the first website you visit every morning?

The Skimm

What are you three favorite Instagram accounts to follow?

Local Adventurer, Lacey Stone FitnessWarrior Woman Mode... do you see a theme here? Adventure and Strength 


What is on your to do list for today?

Every day I do a brain dump of what I think I need to do and what I really need to do to create movement towards my goals...aka the top 3 things I reallly don't want to do get done first! Then the rest I can get to later in the day or on another day. We get all worked up over our ed cals and task thing at a time. So I edit, I write for my blog, I create content because I'm a professional oversharer, I workout with my bests, and I try to find moments to be still. Still working on that one. 

Describe motherhood in one sentence. 

Motherhood to me involves beautiful chaos, quick fire decision making, days of doubt, moments that move too quickly, and something that makes me better every day. 

And finally, where can we find you?


Instagram: @jess_lizama

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