Meet Vanessa Ellingson, Co-Founder and CEO of Möbi

Meet Vanessa Ellingson, Co-Founder and CEO of Möbi

Today we have Vanessa Ellingson of of Möbi Games on The Mag. As you probably know, here at MiLOWE we love kids games, so naturally we were thrilled to talk to Vanessa about how she started her company, some of her favorite toys and more!

Vanessa Ellingson Mobi

Introduce yourself and your brand.

My name is Vanessa Ellingson and I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Möbi. At Möbi we design toys and games for curious brains! I am a mother of two amazing littles, Noah and Kate who provide inspiration (with a touch of craziness) daily!

How did you start this business?

My husband Mark and I started the business 5 years ago. We were traveling and like the nerds we are, were playing Boggle, Scrabble and Bananagrams.....When we got back home, I was jet-lagged and couldn't sleep. As I lay awake, I wondered why all the games we loved were word games. We were never playing with numbers. By the next morning, I had come up with Möbi, or original game and we never looked back. Möbi is a fun, fast number game. Think Bananagrams or Scrabble meets numbers...but super fast and competitive! Since then, we've launched 4 more games and have just entered the world of toys with our infant products: Zippee, Wigloo and Peeka.

MObi Games

Please tell us more about some of the Mobi toys. 

Möbi:  Möbi is a fun, fast-paced number game. The goal of the game is to make equations as quickly as possible and connect them in crossword style grids. Be the first to connect all your tiles and you win!  Möbi is a great game for the whole family or for little ones learning numbers. Ages 8+ 

Möbi Kids: We have a version for little ones called Möbi Kids. The gameplay is similar but there is an activity booklet inside so kids who are not yet ready to make equations can get comfortable playing with numbers! Ages 4-8

Zippee: Zippee is a simple toy packed with developmental benefits for your little ones! Zippee was developed by our team of doctors, developmental therapists and parents to help children explore, learn and grow. Zippee is the perfect silicone activity toy. Little fingers can't resist Zippee's flexible and soft edges, textured cords and easy to hold grips. Babies and toddlers love pulling Zippee's cords from side to side and hearing and feeling the various sounds and vibrations the cords make. Ages 6months + 

Stellö: Think dominoes but with a colorful, geometric twist! Stellö is a strategic, color-matching tile game with all the angles of fun. With 5+ ways to play, Stellö is a hit with everyone! Ages 5+

Mobi Games

What is one thing/aspect that makes your toys so memorable?

At Möbi we believe in making toys and games that last and can be enjoyed by all. All our toys and games are designed with love and with the highest quality in mind. We are parents who long to inspire creativity and curiosity and who believe in the power of play as a fundamental platform for learning.

Name some other small businesses that you love.

California based:  Cassidy Labs, Jaq Jaq Bird, Backyard Bowls

Anything else you’d like to add? 

We love what we do! Seeing kids light up when the play with our toys is extremely fulfilling. Parents love our toys and games because we've hidden educational components in all of them. Play and learn. Learn and play!


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