Six Quick & Easy Fashion Hacks

Six Quick & Easy Fashion Hacks

looking in closet

Did you know the average person makes 10,000 micro decisions per DAY? Whether you’re doing the WFH lifestyle or have little time to get dressed and out the door for the carpool run (or both), time and mental energy-saving wardrobe hacks are where it’s at in my book. Here are a few to dovetail into your every day. 

  1. Unsure if pants you haven’t tried on in ages still fit? Save time by holding the waistband at the corners and wrap the waist around your neck. If the corners meet, you’re in business! If they overlap, too big, and if they don’t touch, they’re too small. Relocate accordingly in your closet so you know to grab, revisit or donate.

  2. Tired of shirttails creating lumps around your middle when tucked in? Smooth out your look by tucking INTO your underwear (or hosiery). I promise, it sounds weirder than it is and works like a charm.

  3. No halter bra on hand and want to hide straps under a tank or halter top? Grab a barrette and bind the straps together at the back, laying the barrette horizontally and flush across your back. (A hair tie works in a pinch too.) 

  4. Behind on your hair color and not thrilled to show the world? Sport a bucket hat, beanie, beret or scarf to create an accessory look that up levels and compliments your outfit. Now THAT’S #fashion.

  5. Transition your flowy summer dresses to fall weather by belting with either a skinny, medium or wide belt, in either fabric or leather. Try power clashing with alternate prints in similar or complementary colors or patterns. i.e. Snake belt over floral dress in similar colors? Yes! Pair the look with a blazer and ankle booties and you’re off!

  6. If you choose to do makeup first and dress later, designate a silky scarf or piece of fabric (something you don’t mind staining or home washing repeatedly) and drape it over your head before pulling on your clothes. When you pop through the neck, you and your clothes will be good to go!

- Stephanie Gisondi-Little


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