Dads on the Move - Christopher Ewing

Dads on the Move - Christopher Ewing

Today we have a very special guest on The Mag. Not only is he the first Dad to be interviewed in this series, but he’s also a MiLOWE husband! Without further ado, read all about Chris!

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Tell us your story! We’d love to hear a little bit about yourself and your business.

Hello! Well, I’m a writer and director working in feature film and commercials. I currently work with my wife (which is something we’ve dreamed about doing for years) but before that I was at Hulu for many, many years in the marketing department as a senior video producer and creative director where I directed teasers, cut trailers, produced promo campaigns for shows like “Castle Rock,” “Veronica Mars” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” and picked up a few industry awards for my work. But much more excitingly I got to set cars on fire, direct trained possums, choreograph zombie battles and shoot Josh Hutcherson’s arm off with a laser gun.

How many kids do you have, what ages?

I have one daughter who is rapidly approaching three years old.

What are your top three recommendations for things to do with kids in LA?

1)     New Beverly Cinema Cartoon Club and Kiddee Matinees – The New Bev is repertory theater heaven and a living, breathing slice of Hollywood history. And until I can in good consciousness bring my daughter to their mythic All-Night Horror Movie Marathons, I love taking her to see vintage cartoons and retro kids movies, all on 35mm natch, for these special morning/early afternoon screenings.

2)     Guitar Center drum and synth showrooms – my daughter loves music and playing instruments so music shops have become one of my go-to destinations. Just give us a Moog to goof around on, kick drums to stomp or rainsticks to twirl and we can kill a couple hours easy.

3)     Random LA Food Adventures! Every few days some weird thing will dawn on me like, “Oh my daughter has never eaten rhubarb pie” and a quick Google search will send us on a mission way off to some random pie shop in Eagle Rock for a half day adventure and the best rhubarb pie in Los Angeles. Recently we’ve hit Atticus Creamery on Pico for their insane mini pies, Black Sheep Burgers near Sawtelle and Mashti Malone’s for saffron pistachio ice cream and baklava.

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How do you network as a parent and a business person?

For the biz side of things I love reaching out to cool filmmakers on Vimeo and via organizations like Film Independent. For parental networking we lucked into an amazing neighborhood that went through quite the baby boom around the time my daughter was born so there are literally a dozen young dads within a block that I could easily reach in case I get something stuck in my daughter’s hair, need help assembling complicated toys or if there’s another “superglue incident.”

What's one tip or piece of advice you have for your fellow entrepreneurs?

Discover what your most productive alone time looks like and take advantage of that time like crazy. Do you dig working late after everyone’s asleep? I do! Do you wake up before everyone else? I definitely do not. Do you best thinking on a run or in the shower or during your kid’s nap time? Find the time when you can focus on you and your work and protect it like the glowing, precious magical power orb that it is.

Where do you go for inspiration on the web and in real life?

On the web it’s (photography, art, design), Video Static (music videos), Short of the Week (short films), Good Moves (animation), Apple Trailers (for trailers) and production company websites like Anonymous, Partizan and Golden Wolf. I am also addicted to reading Variety, which has been the case ever since I used to subscribe to it in actual physical form. In real life, it’s my swanky garage treadmill and home “gym,” our local branch of the LA Public Library, a record store or a hike up near Mulholland Drive.

What is the first website you visit every morning? or its film and video-centric sister site

What are you three favorite Instagram accounts to follow?

@chillwildlife (because internet!)

@obviousplant (just exactly my weird humor)

@olivertakac (for the most consistently beautiful, moody photo inspiration)

What is on your to do list for today?

Write ten pages of this screenplay, research how long goats live and what they eat, return some library books, Google how to fix loose doorknobs, read another chapter in this rock biography as research for another project, watch at least one short film, watch at least one music video, find photos of Los Angeles in 1975 (more research) and we’re also potty training our toddler this week so there’s lots of toilet-related stuff that I won’t get into here.

Describe fatherhood in one sentence. 


And finally, where can we find you?

o   Website:
o   Instagram: @cjefilm


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