Parenting Begins With Good Communication

Parenting Begins With Good Communication

Successful parenting starts with a safe and respectful relationship between parenting partners. Healthy communication is a key element of that relationship.

When parenting relationships models respect for one another and our little ones see us being supportive of each other, and we enjoy being together, we create a stable, loving, and positive home environment for our kids to develop, learn, explore and grow.

 I know that navigating the parenting world is not easy. We want to be good parents but some of us may not be good communicators and problems arise. 

But when you are able to communicate effectively the rest will work itself out. Here are four essential parenting tips to help your communication flow:

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1. Clarity is about saying exactly what you mean. Many disagreements arise when we aren’t clear about our requests, our timeline, and our needs. You could say, “I will get the snacks and diaper bag ready. Can you please help me by getting Mikey dressed for the park with sunscreen and his hat on.” 

2. Keep your focus. Remember the reason for your communication and stay focused on your child. Certain conversations may need you to stay focused on the current event needing discussion. If this is the case it’s not the time to re-hash past problems or situations and how they were handled. Other conversations may specifically need to address something from the past to clear the air and move forward. Keep focused on what is needed with a particular conversation.

3. Keep calm. I know it’s hard – really hard, but try not to jump to conclusions or over-react. Blaming, criticizing or accusing your partner is never helpful. Neither is being rude, sarcastic or placing demands on your parenting partner. Be mindful of your tone and your words.

4. Cooperation and Compassion. There’ll for sure be times when you or your partner make a mistake, feel overwhelmed, or need some help. Your partner may need additional support from you and this is the time to step up with compassion. Compassion helps set a positive tone for your communication, your relationship and your parenting results.

As parents we want to do what’s best for our children. We don’t want to do harm and so we need to be communicating and sharing information effectively on a regular and ongoing basis

If you relate to any of this information and want to learn more about how I can help you, or if you want to schedule a free phone conversation to see if my coaching is right for your family, please email me at

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Your child’s potential is limitless. Their success begins with you.

Your parenting counts!

- Hayley aka Your Toddler & Preschooler Parenting Coach

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