Moms on the Move - Jessica Fowler

Moms on the Move - Jessica Fowler

Today we have the amazing Jessica Fowler on The Mag. We were lucky to meet Jessica, founder of Mark of the Lotus, when we were both vendors at Market Market. Read below to learn more about her!


Tell us your story! We’d love to hear a little bit about yourself and your business.

I’m a Southern California gal, currently living in Northern California, nestled within the Redwoods on the rugged coastline of Humboldt County. I moved up here in 2007 to experience college in a natural setting and just never left. I ended up designing my own major through the Interdisciplinary Studies Program infusing Engineering, Applied Technology and Studio Art to create a custom Sustainable Design Degree. It was beautiful, I learned the mechanics of all I had interest in with so much room to play and make connections. While in school, my community of girlfriends introduced me to who would soon become my daughters’ father. I completed my degree, had my first daughter at the age of 27 and was ready to create.

In 2013 I launched a business called ROQUE/RESIN which was a line of adornment, ritual and altar pieces, to inspire daily ceremony with self, created herbal elixirs, designed a little silk dress line and helped my friends find outfits for events. Non of which launched into a profitable business but were incredible opportunities for creativity. Those early years were really just so sweetly centered around nurturing my child and that tone is what became my style of parenting. To witness my child while creating to keep a self of self.

In 2016, and at the age of 30, I gave birth to my second daughter and took the opportunity to slow down even more. Fortunate to have the space, I dove deeply into healing myself, emotionally, spiritually and physically, taking on healing modalities that nurtured my soul and expanded my consciousness. The journey began with a shaman who woke me to my past lives and helped form language around all the things I had experienced as a child but had no idea what it was. So I began studying philosophies, spirituality, metaphysics then learning how to connect with angels, guides and read energy. What I was doing was upgrading my connection to self and learning how to have a clearer dialogue with the universe. It was then that I began to make sense, my life took on meaning and my parenting was deepening with intention. I knew it was a total possibility to co-create and have life happen with me than to me. Ultimately, I wanted the chance to be the best mother I could in this lifetime and that was going to take healing and tools. Tools to aid me when I would need balance, patience, the word “NO” and space.

When my children were really young, I asked the plant world for an ally. I was seeking something that could connect me deeper to my own rhythms and the rhythms of our earth. What came and was meant for me was the sacred blue lotus, also know as the Egyptian lotus. She is a flower full of wisdom, the divine feminine and unconditional love. Communing with her guided me to know surrender, learn how to receive and create from within. All tools for a way of life with so much more ease. Clarity too. She was my personal medicine guiding me on a healing journey but I knew this plant wasn’t just for me, it is medicine that is also meant for others. Guided, I created a ceremony serving lotus as tea with meditation, sound, breath and other facets to nurture and foster the divine feminine within all of us. The ceremony’s felt soft and powerful, unique. After a couple of years with ceremony, it was time to expand and extend what one might discover with drinking the tea in circle at home into ones own ritual body care routine. This is how the product line “MARK OF THE LOTUS” was born. Each product contains either lotus flower or lotus root, a ferment and some contain CBD. The synergy of the ingredients are divine and even the scents provide a new way of interacting with self. The line was launched August 2019 and have been keeping me busier than ever as I’m now on the road traveling to festivals and shows. This added a whole new layer to my parenting. Thankfully, my partner is a wonderful father who loves to spend time with his girls. He’ll hang back while I jet around and knowing that we as a team can honor that space, as guilt free as possible, is what has made this a reality for me. Choosing to create something to offer to others and nudge it out into the world.

A motivation for me has always been to display to my daughters that if you have a creative pulse, push it. Try anything that pulls at you and feels like something worth exploring from within. All will have a lesson to be learned if chosen to be listened to. This is how we will all learn and develop on a soul level. Also, by choosing to do something for yourself, triggers the universe that you are willing to bet on you. The space that has been gifted to me, and I’m talking headapace while on the road and out of town has been just as expansive as any of it. It’s time for me to process, download and heal in ways that come far and few when tending to everyone else’s needs.

How many kids do you have, what ages?

Two daughters ages 7 and almost 4.


What are your top three recommendations for things to do with kids in LA?

We love all things beach and find our way to Venice and Santa Monica often. We also have friends in Topanga Canyon to visit when we’re around.

How do you network as a parent and a business person?

I have such a low key approach to networking, perhaps why life hasn’t yet become too overwhelming. There are amazing women and mamas I’ve been able to connect with from the girls’ schools. Some have become close friends and some have become my favorite design clients. Humboldt is such a small community that by cycling in and out of town for the past 13 years has truly been whats developed my network with other women. Hosting my lotus ceremonies has also brought deep connections.

What's one tip or piece of advice you have for your fellow entrepreneurs?

It felt like a big risk for me to move onto products and take them on the road. It required me to learn how to make guilt free space for myself to grow. Often times it feels selfish to do so. If I were to offer any advice it would be to nurture yourself as much as you nurture your loved ones. That space grows love and patience, self worth and a renewed perspective. This can even be a 10 minute meditation in the morning before beginning the daily routines.


Where do you go for inspiration on the web and in real life? 

I love to dig deep into architecture and design, small craft fashion designers and art. Not only the expression of the work but also the journey of the curator. I love to witness the process and how the internal mechanics operate in others. When I was younger and would watch reality T.V. I called it social research. Something about character display with development fascinates me, especially when producing something creatively. I think it ties me into my intuition and reading people, studying the language of others’s actions to learn behavior patterns.

What is the first website you visit every morning?

First thing I do is check email then dare I say, Instagram.

What are you three favorite Instagram accounts to follow?

@spaceweathertransmissions - Multidimensionally fuels me creatively.

@andowrites - Reminds me that I discover expansion in the quietest of moments.

@cholofitcreeper - Cracks me up.

What is on your to do list for today?

Today I drop the girls off to school, send a new design client her contract, answer these questions, research designs for pre-existing clients, design some forms on Illustrator, drink celery juice, hang wet laundry, oversee a sheet rock install, pick up my youngest from school, think about dinner ideas, pick up my oldest from school, take her to voice lessons and neigong then scoot to a clients home to edit clutter. All to come home, eat dinner with the family, and begin the wind down for sleep.

Describe motherhood in one sentence. 

The shiny mirror for your inner state of being.

Anything else you want to add?

Being in my truth has been my biggest blessing. To unapologetically embody your truest essence in the best thing you can do because from this place is where you will see where there lives resistance, constriction, pain or flow. Witnessing these states orients where we can place our energy for growth and healing. Healing yourself is the best gift you can offer your family. You will be displaying and teaching your children that self care and attunement to your highest self is valuable.

And finally, where can we find you?

o   Website:

o   Instagram: @markofthelotus

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