Mama Loves To... Craft a Cardboard Alligator (aka Chance The Snapper)!

Mama Loves To... Craft a Cardboard Alligator (aka Chance The Snapper)!

Jessica Anderson aka Mama Loves To is a mama who can't sit still, a producer of awesome crafts, and a pretty clever kitchen improviser. At, she showcases successful crafting projects to inspire you and recipes that she loves sharing with anyone who wants to play along! If you have any questions or want to share some of your fun projects, leave a comment below!

Growing up in South Florida, we had many interesting creatures living nearby in the swamp, but the one I feared most was the alligator. I vaguely remember being told to run zigzag if one ever chased me on land. After researching that alligators can run up to 20 miles an hour and climb fences, I now know zigzags are useless and  running away as fast as you can works best.

We now live in Southern California with no alligators in sight, so I wanted to introduce my daughter to a fun and friendly version made from popsicle sticks! She doesn’t need to know the terrifying truth, at least not yet.

What are some of the unique lessons you learned where you grew up?


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  1. Take your popsicle sticks and poke three holes in each stick at both ends and the middle. I used an eyeglass repair screwdriver. 

  2. Push a small wooden toothpick through each hole as shown below. 

  3. Cut out small pieces of cardboard and push on top of each toothpick on both sides. Cut excess parts of toothpicks off, leaving roughly 1/4" on each side. (Note: You don't need to do this step  or the next for the toothpicks at the end of the right hand side. That's where the head goes! You should also leave two middle toothpick joints bare for the alligator's legs.)

  4. Using your hot glue gun, add a small drop of glue on each toothpick, adhering them to the cardboard pieces. Since the glue doesn't touch the popsicle sticks, it allows the movement required for the alligator to work. 

  5. Cut out alligator head from cardboard in two pieces. 

  6. Attach the pieces to the top and bottom toothpicks at the end of the right hand side, then secure with hot glue. 

  7. Cut out alligator's legs from cardboard and attach to middle toothpicks, then secure with hot glue. 

  8. Cut out cardboard triangles for teeth and hot glue in the alligators mouth. 

  9. Paint. 

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Jessica aka Mama Loves To


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