A New Partnership With Birth Stories in Color Podcast

A New Partnership With Birth Stories in Color Podcast

Today we are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Birth Stories in Color, a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences. We had a chance to interview and get to know Laurel Gourrier and Danielle Jackson, the hosts of the podcast, and we are so excited to get their podcast in front of our audience. Every Friday we will be sharing an episode summary and a direct link to each episode.

I have been making way my through their episodes (there are more than 80 so it’s perfectly bingeable!) and have been really struck by the sense of community that comes through. Although the guests are sharing personal stories, Laurel and Danielle are able to relate each episode to universal issues such as personal birthing choices, knowing your options and advocating for yourself and you come away from each episode having learned something valuable. I’ve already learned a ton listening to the podcast and have been reflecting on how clueless I was about so many things back when I gave birth and wondering now if I would have made different choices had I known all the options available to me. I highly encourage you to take a listen because it will become a favorite.

Anese Barnet

Birth Stories in Color (BSiC) is a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences - a space that specifically celebrates, mourns with and supports them and their transformation through birth. Birth Stories in Color also emphasizes the role of storytelling as a way to equip future parents. Listening to real birth stories is one way to discover the expected and unexpected parts of the journey.

Episode 85 | There is Always Room for Healing With Anese Barnett | Listen to the Episode Here

On this episode Anese Barnett, a perinatal mental health therapist and maternal wellness coach, shares her story of high risk pregnancy, losing the care of her trusted Black OBGYN’s, advocating for the care she knew she needed and the unique challenges and emotions of being a NICU parent. Hearing her experience parenting a child in the NICU was really powerful and made me understand how difficult it is to not be able to take your baby home with you right after birth. This is a great episode to learn about how you can best support friends and family going through a similar experience.

Resolving Sibling Conflict with Conscious, Connected Parenting

Resolving Sibling Conflict with Conscious, Connected Parenting

Whose Idea Was This, Anyway?! - From Sara Leib

Whose Idea Was This, Anyway?! - From Sara Leib